Friday 25 November 2011

Week 5 | Graphic Design

Based on, graphic design is a creative process that combines art and technology to communicate ideas. As my personal opinion, graphic design is a medium which deliver information to an audience. It is to make things simply beautiful. Graphic design uses color, type and composition as well. They are very vital component. It is to create effective visual communication. They also use a wide variety of communication tools. The main tools are image and typography.

Designers nowadays are capable on creating something that people would understand even it is complicated at the first look. They are the examples of good designers. We apply graphic design usually for logos and branding (corporate identity), publication (magazines), advertisement, and product packaging.






These are some good examples of graphic design. They are simple and I am sure that everyone knows what those designers are trying to deliver and present. They play the biggest role on inventing something new to the world to see. Graphic design is important so as the designers.

Anis Afiqah Mohd Farid

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