Sunday 25 December 2011

Week 9 | Advantages & Disadvantages of Prototype

Advantages & Disadvantages of Prototype

-Lower development cost
-Evaluate multiple design concepts
-Useful communication device
-Address screen layout issues
-Useful for identifying market requirements

-Limited error checking

Conceptual Design : moving from requirements to first design
-is concerned with transforming needs and requirements into a conceptual model
-concept model-an outline of what people can do with a product and what concepts are needed to understand how to interact with it
-key guiding principles of conceptual design are: 
Keep an open mind but never forget the users and their context
Discuss ideas with other stakeholders as much as possible

Developing an initial Conceptual Model
-some elements in a conceptual model will derive from the requirements for the product
-some consideration to create initial conceptual model:
Which interface metaphors

Anis Afiqah Mohd Farid

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