Friday 16 December 2011

Week 8 | Identifying Needs and Establishing Requirement

What is requirements?
It is specifies what it should do or how it should perform. It should be specific, unambiguous and clear as possible and we must know how to tell when they have been fulfilled.

Establishing Requirement
What do users want and need? Requirements need clarification, refinement, completion, re-scoping. Input which is requirements document and output which is stable requirements. Why establish? Requirements arise from understanding users needs and it can be justified & related to data.

Two types of requirements
- Functional
- Non-functional

Characteristic of Requirements
- Physical Environment
- Social Environment
- Organizational Environment
- Technical Environment

User Characteristics
- When you createa application, you must know who are the user
- User’s abilities and skills, user’s nationality, user’s education background and etc.
- Any one product may have a number of different user profiles

Usability Goals => Effectiveness, Efficiency, Safety, Utility => How well the users can perform

User Experience Goals => Fun, Enjoyable, Pleasurable, Aesthetically, Pleasing => The perception of the users

In the nutshell,
- Scenarios  can be used to articulate existing and envisioned work practices.
- Use cases can emphasis on user-system interaction. Its from the user’s perspective, not the system’s.
- Task analysis techniques such as HTA help to investigate existing systems and practices
- Essential use cases
- Getting requirements right is crucial
- There are different kinds of requirement, each is significant for interaction design


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