Using Prototype in Design
When we design an application for desktop, Web, or mobile, an important consideration to make is the user experience (UX).
To achieve better UX, we need to design the user interface (UI) very carefully.
UI is not only the way we layout and paint the widgets of our application, but also includes the interaction design (IxD).
There are some principles to designing a good UI; we can find books and learn them. But in practice, especially on a big project, we will find it difficult to reach every aspect of a matter. The UI becomes complex and we just can't easily figure out which design is more user-friendly. So what to do? The straightforward solution may be asking our users. We make applications for them and care about their experience, so why not listen to them?
Collecting feedback from users is a good way to improve design. The problem is when and how to gather feedback. The earlier we do, the less costly any modifications will be. The alpha version may be the first version that users can try, but it is always too late for collecting feedback to change the design.
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