Thursday, 12 January 2012

Week 10 | Card-base Prototype

Generating card-based prototype from user cases

Expand the cards to generate a more detailed software or paper-based prototype

This video shows an example of brilliant prototype!

Anis Afiqah Mohd Farid

Week 10 | Using Prototype in Design

Using Prototype in Design
When we design an application for desktop, Web, or mobile, an important consideration to make is the user experience (UX). 
To achieve better UX, we need to design the user interface (UI) very carefully. 
UI is not only the way we layout and paint the widgets of our application, but also includes the interaction design (IxD).

There are some principles to designing a good UI; we can find books and learn them. But in practice, especially on a big project, we will find it difficult to reach every aspect of a matter. The UI becomes complex and we just can't easily figure out which design is more user-friendly. So what to do? The straightforward solution may be asking our users. We make applications for them and care about their experience, so why not listen to them?

Collecting feedback from users is a good way to improve design. The problem is when and how to gather feedback. The earlier we do, the less costly any modifications will be. The alpha version may be the first version that users can try, but it is always too late for collecting feedback to change the design.

Muhammad Syafiq Bin Ridzuan

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Physical design is a design process that will makes sure the products work successfully when the products will be sold to global and international. It's a process of producing a database and functional requirement to reach the balance before it has been sold to the users. This is because some of the design might be not suitable to other countries. It happens because of different races, culture and tradition all around the world.

The same design may have the different meaning of it. For example, the thumbs up sign. For some people, the meaning of the thumbs up sign is a good sign but we don't know what is the meaning of it for some people in different countries. So, we must know how to design a good work that it will works on every countries all around the world. Moreover, try to use an image without putting any text on it because it could not be translated by the translator. 

example of reaction on thumbs up

Generic icons are recommended for the designer because it is simple but easy to understand and colors that being used must not associated with political movements or national flags. We don't want to related any design to those sensitive issues. To make it easier, ensure that the products support different date and time formats, support international paper sizes, envelope and address format and allow text expansion when translated to English. 

 generic icons

Scenario in design is to help the existing work situation that works totally the same with the actual product. There are four rules in scenario in design. There are basis for overall design, technical implementation, cooperation within design themes, and cooperation across professional boundaries. Generating storyboard from scenario is to break the scenario in step by step. It also will focus on the screen and the environment. Card-based prototyping is most of the process is using paper and card to prototyped the product. It is widely used to generate the ideas. It is a very easy and simple way and not use a lot of time doing it. It helps the designer to test their product before producing it. 

example of storyboard template

 card-based prototype

card-based prototype


Saturday, 7 January 2012

Week 10 | Physical Design: Getting Concrete

Design is a process about making choices and decisions. It is where we balance out between Environmental, User, Data, Usability requirement and Functional requirement

Guidelines to help with international design : 
+ Be careful about using images that depict hand gestures of people.
+Use generic icon which is common icon.
+ Choose colour that are not associated with national flags or political movements.
+ make sure the product supports different calenders, date formats and time formats.
+ Make sure the product support different number formats, currencies, weights and measurement systems.
+ The product supports international paper size, envelope size and address format.
+ Not to integrating text in graphics as they cannot be translated easily.
+ Allow for text expansion when translated from English.

Using Scenarios in Design
- Scenarios can be sued to explicate existing work situation.

Four roles for scenarios :
+ A basis for overall design.
+ For technical implementation.
+ As a means of cooperation within design teams.
+ As a means of cooperation across professional boundaries.

Used for the notion of plus and minus scenarios
+ capture the most positive and the most negative consequences of a particular proposed design solution.
+ helping designers to gain a more comprehensive view of the proposal.

How to generate storyboards from scenarios?
+ scenario - one story including surrounding environment about how the product may be used.
+ storyboard - a sequence of sketches illustrating a scenario.
First, break into steps. Then, focus solely on screen and focus solely on environment. Designers are forced to think on the screen and also environment part separately.

A scenario that happens with surrounding environment

An example of a storyboard template