Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Week 2 | Interaction Design Studies

In this week we learn about "Interaction Design". Interaction means the action that occurs when two or more objects have an effect upon one another. As for this topic,it is about the interaction between human and computer.

Is there such a thing as good interaction or bad interaction?What is good interaction? Good interaction is in a way it considers the accessibility issue. Accessibility is removing the barriers that would otherwise exclude some people from using the system at all. Good interaction also is to consider usability. Usability is the quality of the interaction in terms of parameters such as time taken to perform tasks, number of errors made and the time to become a competent user. Good interacton also considers acceptability. Acceptability is fitness for purpose in the context of use. It also covers personal preferences that contribute to users ‘taking to’ an artefact, or not.

HCI stands for Human-Computer Interaction, which is the interaction between human and computer concerning to the study, design, developement and implemention of human-centric interactive computer systems. Human connect and interact with computer through a user interface, such as GUI (Graphical User Interface), and it just not only a common
interacivity but HCI goes beyond designing screens and menus that are easier to use and studies the reasoning behind building specific functionality into computers and the long-term effects that systems will have on humans.
A more recent definition states that human-computer interaction is a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation, and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them .

It is emerging as a specialty concern within several disciplines, each with different emphases:
computer science - application design and engineering of human interfaces
psychology - the application of theories of cognitive processes and the empirical analysis of user behavior
sociology and anthropology - interactions between technology, work, and organization industrial design - interactive products

As computers become more and pervasive in culture, designers are increasingly looking for ways to make interfacing with devices easier, safer and more efficient.

In conclusion, the study of Human Computer Interaction is very important for the future designers like us. One might think HCI is not important but actually it is. The awareness of good interaction design need to be promote to the public because the public often not realize the importance of it.


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